Thursday 12 July 2012

Export MySQL tables into CSV/PSV/TSV format

mysql my_db -e "SELECT * FROM my_table" | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/;' > my_db.my_table.csv
mysql my_db -e "SELECT * FROM my_table" | sed 's/\t/|/g' > my_db.my_table.psv
mysql my_db -e "SELECT * FROM my_table" > my_db.my_table.tsv 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

kill -9 , A bad idea!


Most programs require some sort of cleanup when it exits. These programs setup a signal handler to perform these cleanup duties as a result of SIGTERM and SIGINT. They would setup a signal handler for SIGKILL if they could, but SIGKILL is untrappable.
If a program decided to trap the TERM or INT signals, then it would most likely delete any temporary files, shutdown sockets, remove shared memory segments, close open files, or some other task. For instance, MySQL needs to flush data to disk and close its database files. Killing MySQL with -9 will corrupt your databases. Most user apps that work on some binary formatted data files require temporary files, using kill -9 on these apps would leave around these temporary files. Network daemons need to flush their logs and properly shutdown Internet sockets so that clients aren't left hanging. Killing your web browser can corrupt your bookmarks file, cache files, leave temp files in /tmp (remember that 20MB mpeg you clicked on? yah, it's still sitting in /tmp)
Using kill -9 on a process is like just hitting the power button on your running PC. You already know that powering off a running PC can damage your filesystem because of run-time inconsistent data, why would you do the same thing to your applications? You risk the _exact same_ data corruption.

Therefore, so that your important applications may close themselves, it is very important you follow this procedure when killing them:
kill pid (sends a TERM, wait 5 seconds)
kill pid (yes, try again, wait 5 seconds)
kill -INT pid  (wait for it)
kill -INT pid  (damn, still not dead?)
kill -KILL pid (same thing as -9)
kill -KILL pid (something is wrong)
If the process is still running, then stop sending it signals. It's either stuck in I/O wait or it's Defunct. 'ps auxw | grep processname', if you see it's in state D, then kill its parent process (the 3rd column of 'ps -ef' is the parent pid). If it's in I/O wait, then you have a deeper system problem. Most home users will never have this problem.