Single Linked List
A single linked list implementation in C++, the implementation is done in a header file. I have made use of templates to make the implementation data type independent. Leave your suggestions or doubts in the comments.#ifndef LIST_HEADER #define LIST_HEADER #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> class IllegalParameterValue: public logic_error { public: IllegalParameterValue(const char reason[]); }; template <class T> struct ListNode { T element; ListNode<T>* next; ListNode() {} ListNode(const T& elelment) { this->element = element; } ListNode(const T& elelment, ListNode<T>* next) { this->element = elelment; this->next = next; } }; template <class T> class LinearList { //Abstract class of the linear list. public: virtual ~LinearList() {} //virtual function : returns true is the list has no elements virtual bool empty() const = 0; //virtual function : returns the number of elements in the list virtual int size() const = 0; //Returns the refrence of the element at the index virtual T& elementAt(int index) = 0; //Returns the index of the first occurrence of the element virtual int indexOf(const T& element) = 0; //Removes the element at he index passed virtual void Erase(int index) = 0; //inserts the element at the given index virtual void insert(int index,T& element) = 0; //output the elements of the list virtual void output(ostream& out) const = 0; }; template <class T> class LinkedListSingle : public LinearList<T> { protected: ListNode<T>* firstNode; int listSize; public: //constructor LinkedListSingle(int initialSize = 10); //copyConstructor LinkedListSingle(const LinkedListSingle<T>&); //destructor ~LinkedListSingle(); //Implementations of Base class's Pure Virtual Functions : ADT Methods bool empty() const {return listSize == 0;} int size() const {return listSize;} T& elementAt(unsigned int index); int indexOf(const T& element); void Erase(unsigned int index); void insert(unsigned int index,T& element); }; template <class T> LinkedListSingle<T>::LinkedListSingle(int initialSize=10) { if(initialSize < 1) { ostringstream s; s<<"The initial List size cannot be less than 1"; throw logic_error(s.str()); } firstNode = NULL; listSize = 0; } template <class T> LinkedListSingle::LinkedListSingle(const LinkedListSingle<T>* theList) { listSize = theList.listSize; //check if list is empty if(listSize == 0) { firstNode = NULL; return; } else { ListNode<T>* sourceNode = theList->firstNode; firstNode = new LinkedListSingle<T>(sourceNode->element); sourceNode = sourceNode->next; ListNode<T>* targetNode = firstNode; //copy all the elements from source list while(sourceNode != NULL) { targetNode->next = new ListNode<T>(sourceNode->element); targetNode = targetNode->next; sourceNode=sourceNode->next; } targetNode->next = NULL; } } template <class T> LinkedListSingle::~LinkedListSingle() { while(firstNode != NULL) { ListNode<T>* nextNode = firstNode->next; delete firstNode; firstNode = nextNode; } } template <class T> T& LinkedListSingle::elementAt(unsigned int index) { if (listSize<index+1) { ostringstream s; s<<"The initial List size cannot be less than 1"; throw logic_error(s.str()); } else { ListNode<T>* nodeReturn = firstNode; int i = 0; for(i=0;i<index;i++) { nodeReturn = nodeReturn->next; } return nodeReturn->elelment; } } template <class T> int LinkedListSingle::indexOf(const T& element) { if(listSize == 0) { return -1; } else { int i = 0; ListNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode; while(currentNode != NULL ) { if(currentNode->element == element) { return i; } currentNode = currentNode->next; i++; } return -1; } } template<class T> void LinkedListSingle::Erase(unsigned int index) { if(listSize < index+1) { ostringstram s; s<<"The initial List size cannot be less than 1"; throw logic_error(s.str()); } else { ListNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode; if(index == 0) { firstNode = currentNode->next; delete currentNode; listSize--; } else { int i =1; for(i=1;i<index;i++) { currentNode = currentNode->next; } ListNode<T>* toDeleteNode = currentNode->next; currentNode->next = toDeleteNode->next; delete toDeleteNode; listSize--; } } } template<class T> LinkedListSingle::insert(unsigned int index, const T& theElement) { if(index >listSize) { ostringstream s; s<<"The initial List size cannot be less than 1"; throw logic_error(s.str()); } else { if(index == 0) { firstNode = new ListNode<T>(theElement,firstNode); } else { int i =1; ListNode<T>* currentNode = firstNode; for(i=1; i<index;i++) { currentNode=currentNode->next; } ListNode<T>* insertNode = new ListNode<T>(theElement,currentNode->next); currentNode->next = insertNode; } listSize++; } } #endif
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